Lincoln Investment and Capital Analysts Form CRS ▪ Advisory services offered through Capital Analysts or Lincoln Investment, Registered Investment Advisers. Securities offered through Lincoln Investment, Broker-Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC IMPORTANT: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is neither secure nor assured to be delivered on a timely basis. We strongly recommend that you do not send confidential personal information, such as social security numbers or account numbers, to us via electronic mail. Do not send time-sensitive or action-oriented messages to us via electronic mail. Unsolicited instructions to “buy” or “sell” a security or to conduct any other financial transaction may not be honored.

News, Insight and Opinions

Older couple wearing protective goggles, grinning in awe and delight as they gaze upward at some unseen spectacular display of creative power and beauty

Retirement's Happy Space-Time Collision

  • 092523
  • 4 minutes

Travel is a top retirement goal for many. But determining how much and how often to splurge on travel as a retiree can be daunting. Consider four steps to map out your retirement travel goals.…

Photograph of Jimmy Stewart’s wax figure as George Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life at Madame Tussaud’s in Hollywood.

Is It a Wonderful Life?

  • 120922
  • 4 minutes

As investors, maintaining perspective can be tough when life hits us with a daily poop emoji. With a bit of consideration, these three topics can help turn our internal frown upside-down: Trust, relativity and tolerance—in brief.…

Coach Jimmy Valvano speaking and gesturing enthusiastically, the suggestion of a Radio Shack Realistic cassette tape overlaid.

The Valvano Principle

  • 012422
  • 3 minutes

The rhetoric surrounding success in sports tends to be relatively black and white: wins and losses. Life's no different. What's too rarely honored is all the effort in between.…

Close-up of a woman staring purposefully at the camera, a colorful circle outlining the so-called

The Zen Investor's Bliss

  • 081721
  • 3 minutes

Two paths diverged in a wood, and I, as an investor, logically took the one with the sign that read: "Toll-Free Road to Zen-Like Investing."…

Those D@#% Yankees

  • 070121
  • 3 minutes

The story of the 1941 New York Yankees provides a lesson on how to keep yourself in check when the stakes are high and the ship appears to be sinking. Part II of our series underscores the value of taming emotion when there's volatility about.…

Will This Win Streak be SNAPped?

  • 032117
  • 2 minutes

Just how unusual have the last few months in the market really been? We dug up some statistics to give perspective.…

From the Archives

Buying Back Honesty: New Fiduciary Guidelines are a Game-changer

  • 051916
  • 2 minutes

2016 brought legislative changes in fiduciary standards for financial advisors, among others. So, what do they mean for investors?…

From the Archives

Un-Titled: Inside the Financial Industry's Name

  • 020416
  • 5 minutes

To choose between a financial advisor or financial coach, you’ve got to know what’s in a name. But the industry is rife with titles--what do they mean?…

From the Archives

Complexity, Simplified: Inter-sowing Seeds of Financial Wisdom

  • 102815
  • 5 minutes

Wisdom can be universal--from farming to financial investments. So when working for growth in fluctuating markets, amend your soil with expert advice.…

From the Archives

2015 OAPT Conference

  • 100415
  • 1 minute

FNA's own Bill Matejka and Jonathan Mistofsky attended the Ohio Association of Public Treasurers' Annual Fall Conference on September 30th through October 2nd, 2015.…

From the Archives

Building Our Community

  • 081315
  • 1 minute

Humility of Mary Housing is building a stronger community through service, support and quality housing. FNA is happy to have played a small part!…

From the Archives

2014 and Beyond

  • 120414
  • 4 minutes

Your hometown financial advisors are growing in every way-partnerships, web presence, and up-and-coming technologies. Thank you for being a part!…

From the Archives

Juggling Act

  • 082714
  • 4 minutes

Prioritize your savings goals with help from an FNA advisor. Whether its retirement or college—or perhaps both—find financial direction you can trust.…

From the Archives

Riding the Bull

  • 082714
  • 1 minute

Three FNA financial advisors gained rare economic insights at a recent invitation-only investment forum. Now, put their know-how to work for you.…

From the Archives

Let's Play Ball

  • 040714
  • 2 minutes

Strikes are to baseball as investing mishaps are to financial planning: Inevitable. Learn how to mitigate loss in personal finance and retirement.…

From the Archives

Retirement 101

  • 040114
  • 2 minutes

Retirement investing can be daunting. Incorporating personal circumstances into personal finance is a clear path toward a solid financial future.…

From the Archives

Funding Survivorship

  • 032414
  • 1 minute

Close to hearts, close to home. FNA’s partnership with the American Cancer Society proves that financial security can foster compassion.…