Lincoln Investment and Capital Analysts Form CRS ▪ Advisory services offered through Capital Analysts or Lincoln Investment, Registered Investment Advisers. Securities offered through Lincoln Investment, Broker-Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC IMPORTANT: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is neither secure nor assured to be delivered on a timely basis. We strongly recommend that you do not send confidential personal information, such as social security numbers or account numbers, to us via electronic mail. Do not send time-sensitive or action-oriented messages to us via electronic mail. Unsolicited instructions to “buy” or “sell” a security or to conduct any other financial transaction may not be honored.
The Social Security Fairness Act (SSFA) repeals two provisions that previously reduced Social Security benefits for certain retired or disabled workers and their spouses. What are these provisions? And with them out of the way, who stands to benefit?…
Travel is a top retirement goal for many. But determining how much and how often to splurge on travel as a retiree can be daunting. Consider four steps to map out your retirement travel goals.…
As investors, maintaining perspective can be tough when life hits us with a daily poop emoji. With a bit of consideration, these three topics can help turn our internal frown upside-down: Trust, relativity and tolerance—in brief.…
In practice, does Bitcoin portend economic freedom or anarchy? Is it a viable currency? And what is its present investment potential? Let’s take a stab at the latter two questions. Though it might be helpful to first talk about currency itself.…
Even though tax filing season is well under way, there's still time to make a regular IRA contribution for 2019.…
The SECURE Act represents the most sweeping set of changes to retirement legislation in more than a decade. Should you revisit your estate planning strategies?…
Education has become a must have, leaving many students with financial gaps to fill. From loans to lenders and variables galore, let’s dig in.…
Wherever you are on life’s journey, retirement is somewhere up ahead. But how to find the ideal number to save, regardless of financial know-how?…
Social Security has again undergone change, with fund depletion threats prompting inclusion in the Bipartisan Budget Act - see how you’re affected.…
The Budget Act’s recent changes in Social Security retirement benefits could leave you dizzy. Let’s iron out details and see how they affect you.…
Just like manners and social graces, financial know-how is a learned, studied behavior. And lessons learned along the path—perhaps your path—are always relevant, and deserve to be shared.…
Whether we want to admit it or not, we all need sound advice. But when it comes to finding reliable financial advice, the source plays a key role.…
Like retirement planning, tax planning should be a year-round endeavor. And putting aside funds now can provide for tax-free income in the future.…
A Roth IRA is a solid investing option to look at when retirement planning. Especially if you’d like retirement savings that can be accessed tax-free.…
Your retirement planning Holy Grail: To determine an ideal withdrawal rate. But with inflation and myriad variables, you may need a guiding light.…
Prioritize your savings goals with help from an FNA advisor. Whether its retirement or college—or perhaps both—find financial direction you can trust.…
Strikes are to baseball as investing mishaps are to financial planning: Inevitable. Learn how to mitigate loss in personal finance and retirement.…
Retirement investing can be daunting. Incorporating personal circumstances into personal finance is a clear path toward a solid financial future.…
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